Posted on Friday, October 12, 2018 by Jess Carter — No comments
According to online job search expert Susan P Joyce, 80 per cent of employers Google potential employees as part of their selection process.
Every hire represents a substantial investment for an employer, so, if you are looking to make the transition into the civilian job market, you have to look at how you can influence what employers will find when they Google your name.
Social media profiles that are open to the public and filled with pictures and comments indicating wild behaviour or controversial views are likely to see your application transferred directly to the bin, even if your qualities and experience would otherwise be perfectly suited to ta particular role.
A non-existent online footprint is also likely to be viewed negatively, as employers may assume that you are either out of touch with an increasingly connected world or have something to hide.
The first step to take is to clean up your social media profiles by making sure privacy settings are set to friends-only. The next is to be proactive and create content you want employers to find.
Starting a blog or setting up your own website are good ways of catching the attention of prospective employers. A hobby you are passionate about can be a great place to start, or a sector or field you have a particular interest in.
Another great thing to have appear when employers view your online presence is a profile on LinkedIn, the world’s foremost professional social network. As well as using it to convey a professional image when companies and organisations search for you, you can network through it and improve your chances of finding your dream job.