HR Policy
SaluteMyJob recognises that the company’s success depends upon the calibre of its people.
Therefore, this recruitment policy is designed to clearly identify the role and responsibilities of each job and its contribution to the business as a whole, being flexible where possible in our working practices in order to attract and retain a high calibre of employee.
SaluteMyJob wishes to enable all their employees to reach their potential in so far as this is possible within the objectives of the company, to the mutual benefit of the individual and organisation.
SaluteMyJob welcomes applications from former Service men and women, serving Reservists, military spouses and Cadet Forces’ volunteers.
1.2 AIM
Our aim is to establish an effective workforce, instilling in our employees a desire for excellence, a willingness to take on individual responsibility and to be flexible, and an acceptance of the importance of team co-operation. We take for granted personal integrity, a commitment to self-development and self reliance. We encourage innovation.
Skills, experience, potential, attitude and motivation will be the major discriminating factors in selecting individuals into jobs.
We recognise that as far as possible the offer of employment should indicate a long-term commitment but we will carefully consider alternatives in order to meet short-term resource requirements or the needs of our employees.
We will ensure that information is openly available on jobs for which there is not already an identified successor. This will normally be by open advertising or by recommendation within the organisation.
We recognise that a vacancy should, wherever possible, create a career development opportunity for an existing employee.
SaluteMyJob’s Executive Directors, are responsible for developing their staff to ensure proactive succession planning within the company. When changes in human resource requirements are necessary, they will consider alternatives to meet short-term requirements. They will consider all applicants and make the recruitment decision in the best interests of the company.
The HR Administrator will provide support to line managers in exercising their responsibilities specifically in the following areas:
Advising on appropriate recruitment methods.
Planning the recruitment process.
Drafting job and person specifications.
Establishing the market rate of pay for the position.
Assisting with the interviewing and testing of candidates.
Obtaining employment references, security checks, copy of passport.
Making offers of employment.
SaluteMyJob will endeavour to provide appropriate staffing levels in all areas in line with agreed business needs.
SaluteMyJob’ recruitment practices will be viewed as fair and professional to both current and potential employees.
SaluteMyJob complies with legal requirements and makes the necessary ID checks to establish the identity is genuine and their eligibility to live and work in the UK.
SaluteMyJob will actively promote the appointment of internal candidates whilst ensuring that this does not compromise our recruitment standards.
SaluteMyJob will actively review their department structure in order to assess the necessity for recruitment.
SaluteMyJob will ensure that the remuneration for a given position is sufficient to recruit and retain the appropriate calibre of staff.
All external advertising will be professional and portray the desired company image in line with corporate advertising.
Since each appointment is viewed as a key business decision, the recruitment process will be geared to identifying the key skills, knowledge and attitudes required in the successful candidate.
Employees will be recruited on the basis of their qualifications and experience to do the work to be performed, regardless of gender, marital status, creed, colour, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, nationality or disability.
SaluteMyJob will ensure that each new recruit undergoes induction training in order to maximise the rate of individual and organisational learning.
SaluteMyJob will continuously review the success of our recruitment process and in doing so continue to improve upon it.
On a regular basis we will examine the longer-term effectiveness of our recruitment strategy and make amendments where necessary.
A recruitment justification form no WTS 014 should be completed where applicable by staff and submitted to the MD for approval before proceeding with recruitment. Sometimes CVs are sent through without a position being available and therefore the HR Mgr and MD will decided whether that person will be interviewed.
Prior to a vacancy the MD / managers should proactively consider succession planning so that vacancies can provide development opportunities for existing employees.
The HR Manager will initiate discussions with the MD / managers to ascertain if a vacancy requires advertising, or if it can be filled by a change of job responsibilities within the business, or if employing an Associate is more appropriate.
Once a vacancy has been identified, the HR Manager will work closely with the MD to produce a job description and person specification, (in the case of a newly created role), capable of supporting selection decisions of the highest standards. Where the recruitment is a replacement, a job description and person specification should be accessible on the HR system.
The MD / managers will advise on appropriate objective assessment methods that will identify the key criteria as outlined in the job description and person specifications.
All jobs will be advertised internally providing the opportunity for any interested employees to apply. External advertising will take place when the sourcing of suitable internal candidates is unsuccessful.
All advertising will be non-discriminatory against gender, marital status, creed, colour, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, nationality or disability and will not contain matters likely to cause widespread offence.
Advertisements will be as specific as possible and geared to attracting only those who fill the essential person specification criteria.
Response handling will be dealt with efficiently and professionally. We will ensure that applications are acknowledged within five days of receipt.
Active consideration of all applicants will take place regardless of their gender, marital status, creed, colour, race, ethnic origin, gender orientation, nationality or disability.
Interviewing and selection will be carried out by the most appropriate person.
Having interviewed an applicant the SaluteMyJob recruitment and interview process continues whereby applicants may be offered work experience, a job or informed that they have not been successful. Sometimes applicants are also informed that SaluteMyJob would like to retain their CVs on the SaluteMyJob books in case any Associate work becomes available.
Once the recruitment process is complete and the applicant starts at SaluteMyJob the post interview induction process commences – see process at the bottom of this policy.
All new starters will have been provided with a terms and conditions of employment by the HR Manager / Administrator. The new starter will be requested to sign and return one copy of the original to the HR Manager / Administrator to retain on the HR intranet file system, whilst retaining one copy for their own records. This may take place prior to the new employee commencing employment or on their first day of working with the company.
A start date for the first day of employment will be mutually agreed and an induction programme will be planned for the first day of employment. Following attendance of the various components of the induction programme the employee induction checklist form no WTS 011 must be completed and stored on the intranet file system. For those conducting work experience they must also complete a specific work experience form.
All employees will have a probationary period of 3 months. The probationary period may be extended at the discretion of the MD with performance review conducted. Employees will have had goals and objectives set within their first week of employment and their performance reviewed and assessed at the end of their probationary period. The required information will be recorded on the employee performance management form no WTS 012, where further goals and objectives will be identified with a timescale in which the improvements must be made, following which performance will again be reviewed and acted upon accordingly. (see policies and procedures – performance management )
On an employee’s first day of employment the following information will have been obtained, checked and retained on the HR intranet file system:
Copy of contract of employment with acceptance of terms and conditions.
Copy of passport.
Insurance details (if required).
Bank details.
Copies of education certificates.
National insurance no.
Reference request form no WTS 019 (if applicable).
Confidentiality statement signed WTS 020.
Signed Sy Ops.
Completed criminal record declaration.
Completed “The Official Secrets Act 1911 – 1989 declaration.
MOD 0011 and MOD 1938 – security vetting forms will be completed and results filed once received.
Staff handbook – confirmation of receipt.
On termination of employment with SaluteMyJob, the notice period is as follows:
less than 2 years continual employment – 1 month’s notice.
more than 2 years continual employment – 1 month’s notice.
and 1 additional week’s notice for each further complete year of continuous employment, up to a maximum of 12 weeks.
In cases where employees leave voluntarily, an exit interview will be carried out by either the HR Administrator / MD / manager usually 2 – 3 days prior to the last working day.